Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired? 5 Ways to Break the Vicious Cycle and Be Happier
Are you dealing with difficult people a lot? Do you find angry people everywhere? If you're having trouble in your relationships with bosses, spouses, family members or strangers, notice what part you may be playing in the drama.
The answer to better relationships is to change you first, then the rest follows. Here are 5 tips from the book “Pee On It and Walk Away: How to Stay Stress-Free Among Difficult People. Life Lessons from Superdog Abby” that can help you have happier, healthier relationships. Starting with yourself.
1. Eat Properly – Seriously. An empty stomach and your gas tank is low. Don't run or walk on empty. We need fuel to think better and to make wise decisions. But eat healthy food. Unhealthy food, i.e. processed foods, refined sugars, can affect your mood for the worse. More greens and less snack cakes.
2. Find A friend - or a group of like minded people. If you are not the social type, find a group of people who don't like to talk. Is there a meetup or organization in your area where you can go and hang out? Your body and soul thrives on company.
3. Like Attracts Like. Happiness starts with you. If you are cranky, you will attract cranky people. If you are happy (or pretend to be), happiness will follow and you won't have to fake it for long.
4. Take A Nap - Make the time to rest. Your body needs to refuel. Sleep eight hours. Meditate for 5 minutes. Run into a closet and take 5 deep breaths. You are not a hero if you exhaust yourself for your job, spouse, children, friends, you are just worn out.
5. Cultivate a/Your Spiritual Practice - Choose something that comforts your soul and makes your heart sing. Everyday. Several times a day. All True Paths lead to Heaven.
Esther Yang and Roger Ziegler - Authors of "Pee On It and Walk Away: Life
lessons from Superdog Abby.” Funny, simple wisdoms that create Everybody Wins solutions to life's challenging and most difficult situations. www.peeandwalk.com
Are you dealing with difficult people a lot? Do you find angry people everywhere? If you're having trouble in your relationships with bosses, spouses, family members or strangers, notice what part you may be playing in the drama.
The answer to better relationships is to change you first, then the rest follows. Here are 5 tips from the book “Pee On It and Walk Away: How to Stay Stress-Free Among Difficult People. Life Lessons from Superdog Abby” that can help you have happier, healthier relationships. Starting with yourself.
1. Eat Properly – Seriously. An empty stomach and your gas tank is low. Don't run or walk on empty. We need fuel to think better and to make wise decisions. But eat healthy food. Unhealthy food, i.e. processed foods, refined sugars, can affect your mood for the worse. More greens and less snack cakes.
2. Find A friend - or a group of like minded people. If you are not the social type, find a group of people who don't like to talk. Is there a meetup or organization in your area where you can go and hang out? Your body and soul thrives on company.
3. Like Attracts Like. Happiness starts with you. If you are cranky, you will attract cranky people. If you are happy (or pretend to be), happiness will follow and you won't have to fake it for long.
4. Take A Nap - Make the time to rest. Your body needs to refuel. Sleep eight hours. Meditate for 5 minutes. Run into a closet and take 5 deep breaths. You are not a hero if you exhaust yourself for your job, spouse, children, friends, you are just worn out.
5. Cultivate a/Your Spiritual Practice - Choose something that comforts your soul and makes your heart sing. Everyday. Several times a day. All True Paths lead to Heaven.
Esther Yang and Roger Ziegler - Authors of "Pee On It and Walk Away: Life
lessons from Superdog Abby.” Funny, simple wisdoms that create Everybody Wins solutions to life's challenging and most difficult situations. www.peeandwalk.com